AI Chats Advertising
The New Search Engine Frontier AI chatbots are all the rage right now. Much like Crypto and Web3 last year, AI chats like ChatGPT, Bing AI and Google Bard are getting a lot of buzz. There has been a lot of discussion and many...

Reporting – A Sample Report
Reports play a huge role in marketing online. They let you know if you have hit your benchmarks, how well your campaigns are performing, and tells the story behind all the data you are gathering. With our easy-to-use reporting dashboard, you can check your numbers...

e-Commerce Shipping and Fulfilment Guide
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Digital Ad Best Practices

What Does A Designer Need To Make An Ad?
Multiple things are needed to create an ad for a client as a graphic designer. But there are three main things that I look for and ask before making the ad. The first question is, what message does the client want to tell in this ad? It could be a…